World brands

We exclusively represent or distribute almost 40 global brands in the Czech Republic, we also represent selected brands for Slovakia. We provide distribution, support, production of advertising items, we are a wholesale supplier. Thanks to our experience and rich history, we are among the leaders in B2B in the given category of goods (knives, kitchen utensils, garden, grill, ...)


Kitchen knives, stainless steel utensils, pans, jars, bowls, cutting boards and much more. We represent world brands offering everything for the kitchen-home. Victorinox, Wüsthof, Continenta, Cole&Mason, Guzzini, Risoli, Silampos, Bialetti, Weis and others.


Pocket knives, multi-tool pliers, hunting knives, knife cases, thermos bottles, thermos mugs, travel grills and more. We represent world brands offering goods for use on trips or in nature. Victorinox, Böker, Wüsthof, Kambukka, Cadac, Napoleon or GIO STYLE.


Suitcases, backpacks, handbags, bags, wallets and various accessories. We are the exclusive representative or distributor of global companies offering everything for travel. Kipling, Victorinox, Bric's, Secrid or Kambukka.


Gas and charcoal grills, fireplaces, accessories. Global companies such as Napoleon, Cadac or CookKing offer not only perfect grills and fireplaces for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.